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Dentro la memoria. Scritti dall’Altipiano

Dentro la memoria

Meridiani Montagne – Domus, 2007.

(Inside Memory. Writing from the Plateau)

It is a collection of lesser-known writings of Rigoni Stern, edited by Giuseppe Mendicino and arranged into three thematic sections: La memoria dell’Altipiano e di altre montagne (Memory of the Plateau and other mountains), Ritratti per la memoria (Portraits for memory), and Memorie di guerra (Memories of war). In these short stories, all directly or indirectly relating to the mountain horizons of Asiago, almost in spite of himself Rigoni Stern assumes the role of critical consciousness of his land. Valuing the life of the mountain-dweller as an example of moderation and wisdom, he becomes the bearer of a civil ethic to which we should all look like a model.


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